The “New” Political Culture
Posted: August 7th, 2008 | Author: Maha Rafi Atal | Filed under: Politics, Uncategorized, Video | Tags: celebrity, John McCain, Obama | No Comments »I’m skeptical of Barack Obama’s “new” politics. This week, the NYTimes revealed that it’s really just a YouTube-genic version of the
old politics: despite all his claims to the
contrary, Obama gets his funding from big bundlers just like everyone else. I have no beef with bundlers–campaigns are expensive. But since Obama told everybody he was a $50 check kind of guy, the bundlers are a problem for him.
Meanwhile, McCain was learning a different lesson about the “new” political culture: how impossible it is to have a controlled message in this viral age. His attack ad about Obama as the greatest celebrity got big press, but not in the way he wanted: Read the rest of this entry »